DriverIdentifier is intended to help you find update drivers for your computer’s hardware. Unlike other similar programs, its installer is extremely light to download as it does not contain the drivers. Fortunately, the program is incredibly easy to use. In fact, very few clicks can solve the problem.
With simply clicking on the Scan Now button, the program can perform an examination of the available hardware to find their specifications. Then, it creates and sends a report to the developer´s servers. After this, your default browser shows a webpage with the names of the drivers, their state and the links to download an updated driver installer.
If your computer is not connected to the Internet at the time, you can check the corresponding box. However, this only generates a file you can save and open in a browser when a connection is available again. This procedure has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, downloading the drivers from the Internet guarantees that you can always access the latest versions and makes the program´s installer very light. On the other hand, the program becomes useless in offline conditions. Moreover, it requires downloading large amounts of data each time drivers need an update.
All in all, DriverIdentifier has the main advantage of being based on a reliable and updated driver database. Although the program is freeware, this is only partially true. While it does check your hardware and issue a report for free, downloading the necessary drivers requires a subscription to the developer’s services. Fortunately, there are both free and premium memberships available.
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